Gustav Hellberg

Two Tribes, installation, one of two facing speakers.

Two Tribes


Dimensions variable
Two choirs, loudspeakers, sound system, steel masts
Fabrika Kukhnya [Hammer and Sickle Canteen], Samara, Russia

Two choirs stands, facing each other, at opposing sides of an open ground. Each choir performs the same score, paying no attention to the other choir’s tempo. It is an a-cappella act. Both choirs have brought a steel mast with them. Speakers are mounted to the masts.

The score starts with each choir performing the first verse, which is based on phrases that are claiming a group’s possession with an emphasis on land. The second verse is performed by a soloist. The phrases the soloist will perform point at property, emphasising property as a thing, a personal possession. The third verse is “sung” by the whole choir. The masts are raised and the choirs walks of the field. Through the speakers one can now here a pre recorded version of the choirs performances.

This is a documentation of a performance, and installation, at the special Shiryaevo Biennale art project Burlaks: between Europe and Asia. The performance occurred on 1 August 2014 at Fabrika Kukhnya [Hammer and Sickle Canteen], Samara, Russia.

When the performance is over the masts with the speakers remain for the remaining of the exhibition period.

TV Inteview, TV-channel Вкус времени (Taste of Time)